Olympics & Bridgestone

3D animation and motion graphics for the Bridgestone partnership with the International Olympic Committee

Executive Producers: @producerbooth, @brutallyattractivepersonality
Director: @leobirch
DOP: @nedchampain
Sound Recordists: @rowanoctober, @der_goldene_eduard, Hirohita Ohta
Production Coordinators: @tamara.mp4, @olive_sky, Yamada Masoto, Florian Richter
Special thanks to @gknowproductions and @therealphilhessler from @wzrdmedia for US shoot production
AV Post-Production for Engine Film...
Editors: @cutmeupjimmy, @samhopkins_ultra, @nicolaswoinilowicz, Paul Fitzpatrick, Ned Champain, Mike Ashburner
Post-Production Producers: @elenavsanz, @mr.kubakuba
Sound Design: Crawford Blair
Edit Assistant and Sound Design: Bradley Morey